Sunday, June 13, 2010

My First Teddy Bear

I tried making my first teddy bear yesterday...I didn't finish him because he looked so mishapen and he has no legs. Hahaha. I will definately post a much longer explaination about the pattern I tried that I didn't end up liking because the head looked like an angry mouse, and how this little guy came to be, and hopefully my second attempt at a teddy bear. However, that won't be now. I just got back from the walk-in clinic and found out I have a raging ear infection with an ear drum stretched to the point of bursting. I had a dizzy spell after she looked in my ear, which she says happens to people, but I'm not sure if it was that or being told that the bacteria in my ear could chew a hole through my ear drum....yuck! In any case, I'm going back to bed. But I wanted to share my quirky-cute bear that I made last night.

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