Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Visiting My Little Ones and Some Baking

Today, I got to go in and visit my class! The center is closing their doors in just 6 weeks, so some of the children are starting to pull out and go to their new schools. I went over after babysitting in the morning, and spent some time during the kids' nap to chat with my former co teachers for a bit. I was so anxious to see my kiddos that I kept checking the clock, just waiting for wake up time! Finally, they started stirring! As they started getting up, moving around and putting their nap things away, one of the girls saw me icing a birthday cake (yep, I came on a good day!) and said, so softly, "You're back!" I almost teared up...and I am definitely going back at least one more time to visit before they close. It was really nice to spend time reading stories with them, getting hugs and just being with the great people I've been missing so much. Needless to say, after a morning babysitting and an afternoon with my kiddos, I came home and was FINALLY able to go to sleep within 10 minutes of hitting the pillow. Best sleep I've had in a while, I just hope I can fall asleep tonight. *crossing my fingers*

We've been eating well here! Last night we had a friend over and the guys helped me make a chicken pot pie! Carrots, parsnips, potatoes, peas, chicken and a thyme crust. My first time using my marble rolling pin, and it turned out delicious!

And today my boyfriend made a fruit salad with strawberries, grapes, mango, nectarines, and pineapple. Yum!


Thank you so much for visiting! I love to hear feedback!